SECOM - GMixon - Pixeliris ئاپەکان

Gatesonic 1.0.0
SECOM - GMixon - Pixeliris
GateSonic is a strong authentication solutioncreated to prevent brute force attacks, Trojans or sniffers hackingweb sites. Secured data is exchanged between the web site and thesmartphone through encrypted ultrasonic waves. The strongauthentication is achieved by adding a second level ofauthentication: pin code, password or biometrics. This high levelof security allows us to propose GateSonic as an authenticationsolution for the industry of banking or cyber security.GateSonic represents a breakthrough in the Cyber SecurityTechnology. Indeed, all the other strong authentication systems arebased on full digital processes. GateSonic is the first to breakthis digital circle opening an air gap in the process usingultrasonic waves. Hackers have major difficulties breaking thesecurity of these analog signals. Even if they should achieve tocatch this signal, it would be useless for them as the onetimepassword system prevents them from reusing it.
My TNM Ww 1.0.2
SECOM - GMixon - Pixeliris
The application MY TNM Ww is intended to helpyou determine the stage of digestive neuroendocrine tumors (dNETs)of your patients. This is a calculator using the ENETS (EuropeanNeuroendocrine Tumor Society) and the UICC (International UnionAgainst Cancer) TNM classifications.This application consists of 3 sections:- The section TNM determines the stage of a dNET based on aquestionnaire that you fill out with the characteristics of thetumor. The TNM stage is determined simultaneously according to theENETS classification and to the UICC (International Union AgainstCancer) classification.- The WHO 2010 section presents the classification of the WHO(World Health Organization) published in 2010 and its evolutionover previous versions.- The Grade section enables to determine the histological gradeof a dNET according to the ENETS from the values of the mitoticindex and Ki67.Using the application MY TNM WW is reserved exclusively fordoctors in a strictly professional context to determine the dNETstage (pancreas, stomach, small intestine, appendix, colon /rectum) of their patients.Once the application is installed on your mobile device, it isunder your sole responsibility to enter the various parameters toobtain the tumor stage of your patient, merely for your guidance.The result of this calculation is based entirely on the informationyou have voluntarily provided.In all cases, you are personally responsible for theconsequences of the results provided by the application only asindicative, and you are fully responsible for your therapeuticchoice. All records of patients with dNETs should be discussed in amultidisciplinary meeting (MOC : multidisciplinary oncologicalconsult) as required by the sick funds (RIZIV/INAMI)..This application uses the ENETS classification published in 2006and 2007, the 7th edition of the UICC classification and the WHOclassification published in 2010. In case of one or moreclassification modifications, this application could no longer beused to determine the stage of the dNETs of your patients.No one but you is permitted to use the application. It is notallowed to transfer the application to a third for any reasonwhatsoever.
My TNM Be 1.0.3
SECOM - GMixon - Pixeliris
The application MY TNM Be is intended to helpyou determine the stage of digestive neuroendocrine tumors (dNETs)of your patients. This is a calculator using the ENETS (EuropeanNeuroendocrine Tumor Society) and the UICC (International UnionAgainst Cancer) TNM classifications.This application consists of 3 sections:- The section TNM determines the stage of a dNET based on aquestionnaire that you fill out with the characteristics of thetumor. The TNM stage is determined simultaneously according to theENETS classification and to the UICC (International Union AgainstCancer) classification.- The WHO 2010 section presents the classification of the WHO(World Health Organization) published in 2010 and its evolutionover previous versions.- The Grade section enables to determine the histological gradeof a dNET according to the ENETS from the values of the mitoticindex and Ki67.Pre-registration on the following website is requested in orderto receive personal access codes that allow you to connect to theapplication.Using the application MY TNM is reserved exclusively for Belgiandoctors in a strictly professional context to determine the dNETstage (pancreas, stomach, small intestine, appendix, colon /rectum) of their patients.Once the application is installed on your mobile device, it isunder your sole responsibility to enter the various parameters toobtain the tumor stage of your patient, merely for your guidance.The result of this calculation is based entirely on the informationyou have voluntarily provided.In all cases, you are personally responsible for theconsequences of the results provided by the application only asindicative, and you are fully responsible for your therapeuticchoice. All records of patients with dNETs should be discussed in amultidisciplinary meeting (MOC : multidisciplinary oncologicalconsult) as required by the sick funds (RIZIV/INAMI)..This application uses the ENETS classification published in 2006and 2007, the 7th edition of the UICC classification and the WHOclassification published in 2010. In case of one or moreclassification modifications, this application could no longer beused to determine the stage of the dNETs of your patients.No one but you is permitted to use the application. It is notallowed to transfer the application to a third for any reasonwhatsoever.
Captchasonic 1.2.1
SECOM - GMixon - Pixeliris
Captchasonic is a Captcha system alternativeusing ultrasound communication between a web component and a mobileapplication.The purpose of this free tool is to eliminate or limit the actionsof spammers and robots in web pages and forms.Instead of having to decipher a graphic captcha on the same page inwhich there is the stage of validation,we provide an unique tool to achieve the same goal.Our application is based on three mains steps:1-Push the web component to emit an ultrasound2-Launch on the smartphone the Captchasonic application3-If authentication is correct then the process is validated on thewebsiteThe related SDK technology can be tested and downloaded onCaptchasonic website:
ILYT 1.0.3
SECOM - GMixon - Pixeliris
Freedom to play- ILYT is a brand new application to play which finally helpsyou to anonymously know who and how many Facebook friends find youattractive (they are your Ilytwers).- With the Ilytwers’ Top you will also know whose friends ofyours have the most success.- And as a bonus : if among the people you are attracted by, oneof them indicates he/she is attracted by you as well, there will bean "ILYT"… and both of you will be informed of your mutualattraction.You log on Facebook, your profile page and your Facebookcontacts are automatically imported.You can change your profile picture and you indicate yourpreferences (man or woman).Do you want to taste ILYT too ?- Free and easy- Anonymity fully respected- No public post- No social risk: possibility to delete a conversation withoutinforming the other
MySonicWallet 2.0.0
SECOM - GMixon - Pixeliris
MySonicWallet is a universal payment solutionas it works on 100% of the existing feature phones and smartphones.To achieve this, MySonicWallet uses the devices' sonic orultrasonic ways (speakers and microphones). Among the 7 billionpeople on the planet, 2.5 billion are under-banked or unbanked.Yet, in a large proportion, they do possess at least a basic mobilephone. The CopSonic technology can transform these phones intoelectronic wallets, giving access to mobil\e payment safely andsecurely.
ooKey 1.0.9
SECOM - GMixon - Pixeliris
Benefit of discounts, services, loyaltyprograms, games... at your favorite stores from a singleapplication that changes its look according the franchisevisited.It's convenient and you save!- Find a product by localizing it in the shelves of thestore.- Benefit from exclusive promotions- Enjoy games to win prizes.- Integrate your loyalty cards in the app in seconds- Receive customized notifications when you arrive in thestore- Share your tips with your friends on Facebook, by email orSMSooKey uses your smartphone's microphone to detect sound signalsin a store to assist you in your shopping. You do not need toactivate your wifi or GPS, and you preserve your battery whileenjoying the best of your mobile.Join ooKey is simple, effective and free!Questions, suggestions? Contact us on
Espace numérique 1.7
SECOM - GMixon - Pixeliris
Découvrez les offres numériques viacetteapplication.Espace numérique utilise le micro de votre smartphonepourdétecter des signaux sonores émis dans un saloon afin devousaccompagner dans votre parcours. À l'arriver à chaqueilotl'application vous montre automatiquement l'informationconcernantafin de découvrir un de 5 univers numériquesproposes.Discover digitaloffersvia this space using the microphone of your smartphone todetectsound signals in a saloon to accompany you in your journey.Whenarriving at each block the application automatically showsyouinformation about to discover a 5 digital universe proposed.
Affiche Virtuelle 1.0.0
SECOM - GMixon - Pixeliris
Affiche virtuelle est une applicationderéalité augmentée ouverte à tous.Que vous soyez une entreprise, un particulier, une associationuncommerçant, créez votre propre opération de communication enréalitéaugmentée.Pour un anniversaire, un mariage, une fête, pour les vœux defind’année faites apparaître sur votre invitation, faire part,ticketd’entrée, billet, une image ou une vidéo cachée etimpressionnezvos convives.Ce nouveau moyen de communication est enfin accessibleàtous.Pour l’utilisation du service displays isanapplication of augmented reality open to all.Whether you are a company, individual, association atrader,create your own communication operation in augmentedreality.For a birthday, a wedding, a party wishes to end of yeardoappear on your invitation, hand, entrance ticket, ticket, imageorvideo hidden and impress your guests.This new means of communication is finally accessible toall.To use the service please contact us on
SECOM - GMixon - Pixeliris
Web2StoreTracker process is based on 5simplesteps.Step 1: The consumer visits the websiteStep 2: The consumer enters the physical storeStep 3: Detailed information feedback for the sales outletStep 4: Adapted discount offers for the consumerStep 5: Indoor tracking of the consumer
Push Coupons 1.0.3
SECOM - GMixon - Pixeliris
The main goal of this application is toenableCustomers to receive through ultrasonic waves on theirsmartphonecoupon proposals for the products visited on thewebsite.
Tutti Pizza 1.0.1
SECOM - GMixon - Pixeliris
L'application Tutti Pizza permet de commandervia votre smartphone les pizzas et produits disponibles dans lesmagasins Tutti Pizza les plus proches.The Tutti Pizza appenables control via your smartphone pizzas and products availableat stores closest Tutti Pizza.
QuickSat 2.0.4
SECOM - GMixon - Pixeliris
The app which simplifies the satellite!